The second volume of the Narratives in Malaysian Art series, Reactions – New Critical Strategies (together with the BM edition Naratif Seni Rupa Malaysia Jilid 2: Reaksi – Strategi Kritika Baru), published in September 2013, brings together key information and insights pertaining to the response of artists towards social, political, cultural and artistic contexts. It examines the development of new artistic strategies from the late 60s to today, taking into consideration changes in the socio-political context, technological development and the emergence of new methodologies in art practice and thinking.
Seminal moments since the late 1960s such as the Mystical Reality exposition and manifesto, new media exploration by Ismail Zain, conceptual practices by the New Scene, and multi-disciplinary tendencies among the Anak Alam collective, will be covered and given fresh perspectives, joined by new documentation and discussion of more recent key events. The volume will explore the development of approaches to various media such as photography, performance and conceptual art, and the use of electronic and new media technology, as well as how artists have chosen to negotiate space, and engaged with other cultural disciplines.
Volume 2 is Edited by Nur Hanim Khairuddin & Beverly Yong, with T.K. Sabapathy; with texts by Redza Piyadasa, Sulaiman Esa, Nur Hanim Khairuddin, Simon Soon, Safrizal Shahrir, Mark Teh, Tan Zi Hao, Ismail Zain, Sarena Abdullah, Michelle Antoinette, Zhuang Wubin, Hasnul J. Saidon, Niranjan Rajah, Adeline Ooi, Beverly Yong, Suzy Sulaiman, Rahmat Haron, Eva McGovern, Yap Sau Bin; interviews with Anak Alam, Wong Hoy Cheong, Chong Kim Chiew, Yee I-Lann, Chai Chang Hwang, Ponirin Amin, Liew Kungyu, Bayu Utomo Radjikin, Ahmad Fuad Osman, Anurendra Jegadeva, Noor Azizan Rahman Paiman, Mark Teh, and others; and selected excerpts from exhibition texts and reviews.
Please visit the dedicated project website
The Narratives in Malaysian Art series is distributed by Gerak Budaya and available at selected bookstores and specialist outlets across Malaysia. Alternatively you can purchase the books online at Gerak Budaya or Rogue-ish