Southeast Asian Contemporary Art is a convenient umbrella term for a vast and complex sphere, meaning different things to different interest groups. For example, it has become of late an attractive, perhaps exotic brand for a hungry international and regional art market.
In truth, where contemporary art is concerned, Southeast Asia is more of a neighbourhood than a regional bloc. The experience of artists and audiences, the development of art practices and its supporting infrastructure differ significantly between our respective countries. Regionalism cannot be said to define the broad existing spectrum of art practice, but it does play an important role in creating platforms for discourse, exposure, research, as well as the selling of art.
While a fast-growing market has raised the profile of contemporary Southeast Asian art and created many new opportunities, crucial elements of infrastructure, research, education and public awareness have by and large lagged behind this phenomenon. We hope to use our experiences and the relationships we have built over the decades to make some contribution towards a more holistic development of our local and regional art scenes.